Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Embracing the Buffalo

You know how you want to eat something that tastes like home??  Last night I was craving a plain ole grilled cheese sandwich to dip into soup.  I'd had hot and sour soup here before and it's good but more like a tangy vegetable soup.  I asked but the kitchen didn't know what a grilled cheese sandwich was.  I offered to show them and they took me up on our offer. :)  Randy and I headed into the kitchen.  They sliced the white bread and grated some white cheese.  I got the frying pan hot with butter and showed them when to flip it.  Yeah!!  Home, comfort food.  I get my sandwich and I get my soup and dipped the first corner.  Just when I'm ready to take my first bite of HOME, Randy says, "you realize the cheese is made from buffalo milk, right?"  DEFLATE my bubble, thank you very much!!!  This is just hours after I was finally decided to try the chai tea and then realized the milk was a little too rich and was buffalo milk.  Time to embrace the buffalo!!

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