Friday, October 5, 2012

South Lake Tahoe

Girls Weekend 2012

Time with our girlfriends is soooo very important!  For 28 yrs Michelle and I have gotten together for our special time.  At first it started just the 2 of us, we had our 1 weekend a year to finish the sentences that we were unable to finish because of husband and children and home interruptions.  Then we started inviting others.  If they passed our "test" and weren't "blackballed" then they were lucky to be invited back!  LOL Consistantly we have 10 girls for our getaway.  "Weekend" has grown to 3-4 nights.  Our cheapy weekend has turned into an adult getaway.  We are back at Lakeland Village in South Lake Tahoe.  We love it here and we are able to all stay together in one unit directly on the lake.  We have a 180 degree view from every window in our townhouse.  Beautiful and fun!!  We are able to visit and watch movies, order pizza, nap, shop,gamble, have spa treatments and consume alot of wine, champagne and vodka!!   We have always said that our girls weekends are much cheaper than a psychiatrist!    Now we have Minnesota girls represented and Shannon has joined us for 15+ yrs.  Stacy and Stephanie are a permanent fixture.  The others are rotated in/out each year.

Today we went to the casinos and are currently getting ready for our night on the town.... nice dinner and clubbing.  So many people want the middle aged fat woman!  NOT!!  But we have so much fun together that it doesn't matter.  Our husbands and boyfriends gladly turn us over to our girlfriends.  Good clean fun!!  They know that we always come home to them!  Our inside jokes are only funny to us and if repeated are just an eye roll to others.  It's for all these things that this time is special to each of us.  Cheers!!! 

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