I find myself driving the same roads, seeing the same signs and same exits and wondering where that road goes. I think my dad started the adventure side of me. He would take us to the end of a road, any road, just to see where it went. We would take our bright orange '69 jeep (which my mom still has!) to follow electrical poles because "if the pole is there SOMEONE was once there, therefore we can do it again!" Many times we got stuck and I can hear my mom scream, Loren and I in the back of the jeep, no seat belts, no helmets, hanging onto the roll bar, throwing our weight (as if THAT would help because we were so young), and trying to get unstuck. My dad and Bob, Loren's Godfather, digging, pulling, finding traction, and getting us out.
I love to drive and go for a drive. Sometimes that's the best time to think and chill out and listen to new music you've downloaded to your phone. Yesterday I plugged myself in and took off. Just a short distance but still a road and sign that I've passed many times that I have wanted to explore. Eklutna Lake. If I go east where does the road go? If I go west where does the road go? First I followed the signs east to Eklutna Lake. 10 miles, no problem. Nice road a little icy but wide and I would take it slow. At about 8 miles to go the road narrowed and I slowed down. I was in 2 wheel drive and I was good..... until I lost traction. Front went to the right and rear went to the left and everything you learn went out the window. I forgot to steer into the swerve and I put on the brakes. WRONG on both accounts. Okay, maybe 4wd would be better. I put it in 4 and slowed wayyyyy down. So if 35 mph was going to make me lose control, 25 in 4wd should work. The car behind me slowed wayyyyy down too, I think I scared him too! Eventually I let that car pass me as I continued on my journey to the end of the road.
I passed beautiful houses with sprawling views and shacks that looked like they were left over from the gold rush. The road was narrow and steep then wide and flat. As I approached Eklutna Lake I see a pay phone. A pay phone out in the middle of nowhere! That was funny!! No one was at the pay station. It's winter and you are on the honor system around here. No one was around except the car that passed me way back when. At that point I'm thinking maybe someone should know where I decided to go today. I could get lost, slip on the ice or encounter an ax murderer. (Yes, my mind does think that way) Umm, okay... no service. Maybe next time, but my daughter is going to be really mad at me, adventuring and not following protocol. :)

I walked around a bit but it was very icy. The lake is beautiful! Frozen all the way across with foot prints of people and animals. Sprawling mountains all around the rim. The clouds were low and it was raining. It wasn't the most beautiful day but to see places for the first time always has a beauty about it. As I walked across a little bridge and followed the trail to the T and an old water pump. A water pump? Water available to all. The sign suggests boiling first but I loved it! My thoughts kept thinking of spring and summer and how this is going to be an awesome place to come back to. This will be PERFECT to walk and hike and bring the ATV. Trails for everything!

As I drove back the 10 miles in 4wd on the ice, I enjoyed the views of the inlet. I drive over the highway and take the road west and the end of the road was only about 1/2 mile. It ends at a private residence and railroad tracks so I turn around. I go back to an old church that I passed and went to check it out. Meghan told me about the Alaska App and it can look where you are at and tell you what attractions are near. Love this app! So I open the app and get the information on the church and interesting looking cemetery that is in the back. This is the home of the Eklutna Historical Park. There is the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church that dates back to 1650 when Russia still occupied Alaska and the cemetery of "spirit houses" which is the final resting place of native and non-native members of the church.
As I drive back to Anchorage and Adele's Hello plays for the 4th time I smile and think Adventure Accomplished and my dad would be proud that I went to the end of the road!